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terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011

minhas letras por favor fassão comentarios cativos

Sometimes wonder life

I do not know what to do but I have to see!
Things do not have to be!
But everything will change!
Life is like that but I have to know what to do
pos is not going to have to learn know can suddenly be
but however I die I'll be back!

Sometimes I think about you sometimes think of life but
I will continue to walk without looking backwards because
the future is near! HELP ME! HELP ME!
The future lies ahead of us waiting for us can be good or
bad things happen but either way which does not have to

I'll move on for this one life I'll look at it and yell I love you!
But those who always have the opposite board! THEY KILL

Sometimes I think about you sometimes think of life but
I will continue to walk without looking backwards because
the future is near! HELP ME! HELP ME!
You are my love I have to admit but I think a lot can make
life turns round!
COME! for me please! I LOVE YOU!
Sometimes I think about you sometimes think of life!


I miss you!
I need to see you!
I need you!
I know of you not love me anymore because I was wrong!
Please forgive me for I love you!

I am in solitude I beg you, help me!
Solitude, Loneliness, Solitude, Loneliness, a pain in here
my heart!

Help me please, you are my love!
I have called you track neck hurt!
I'm sorry but it was not my fault!

I am in solitude I beg you, help me!
Solitude, Loneliness, Solitude, Loneliness, a pain in here
my heart!

You are what I always wanted!
You're the Reason I live!
You are who I love gets me please!

Because you always loved!

special girl

You're mine and I'm yours!
would happen is the love between us!
You are my love and u'm yours!

I do not know what to do without you!
You're my special girl!

Without you I'm just a guy!
Still I'm without you!
Come here please help me you love me!
I LOVE YOU! And you're my special girl!

You're my favorite girl!
I'll love you forever!
Even without you here I feel in my heart that I love!

Special girl! To always love you!
Special girl!

You're my girl!
And I'm your boy!

Por favor ppeessooiinnhhas do Orkut e do msn me AJUDEM leiam minhas musicas no blog
E farão uma criança feliz!!!
P.S: Me farão feliz também
P.S: Se gostarem das musicas repassem

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011


segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

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